VC + ePatient launch hangout

For a while now, we at Virtually Connecting have been considering different ways in which we can facilitate conversations that matter. Our initial focus and manifesto was born out of a specific desire to make virtual conference experiences more meaningful. I (Rebecca) have been wanting / trying to find a way to bring what we have learned with Virtual Connecting (it’s about the conversations and the people) to the ePatient space. My initial foray into this space was for the Queens University of Belfast ePatient Blogging conference last September.

To get a better understanding of the ethos of Virtually Connecting, see Autumm’s post about how Virtually Connecting could be described as a LOOM (Little Open Online Movement).

Don’t know what an ePatient is? My interpretation is explained in the QUB ePt Trailer below, but note that not everyone has the same view – and that is in and of itself an interesting conversation.

It has been the better part of a year since the QUB ePatient conference. Virtually Connecting has matured a lot. We have better processes in place and a better understanding of who we are and what we stand for. We have a published a manifesto. In addition, I (Rebecca) am not the only one at Virtually Connecting that is interested in exploring the ePatient space further. I’m happy to be joined in hosting these initial conversations by Susan Adams (@edtechinsight) So, I think that now the time is right to give it a try.

On Wednesday, at 10am Pacific time there will be live Hangout on Air to discuss: (1) What Virtually Connecting is all about (conversations & people, not presentation/information), (2) what ePatients are (looking forward to various definitions/descriptions), and (3) how we might move forward with some form of Virtually Connecting in the ePatient space – not focusing on conferences, but rather focusing on conversations. In standard Virtually Connecting process, this session will be live streamed for those that want to just watch. We will monitor the hashtag #vcept (Virtually Connecting ePatient), but feel free to tag us (@rjhogue and/or @edtechinsight) directly if you are interested. We have space for a few more people in the initial conversation. During and after, the session can be viewed with the link below.

In this session

Attention Researchers: We have provided transcripts of the various Virtually Connecting sessions for your convenience. Please credit Virtually Connecting for all videos, and link back to the transcript page. When possible, please refer directly to the speaker in your reports. For example, “Rebecca Hogue suggests that we don’t need any more Webinars (Virtually Connecting ePatients, 2016).” I’ve listed the links to each transcript in APA format. Also, we ask that you please leave a comment on the transcript page indicating the type of research you are doing, and if there is a link to publication or website we’d love to see it. Thanks.

Session reference (APA)

Virtually Connecting ePatients [Producer]. (2016, June 22). Virtually Connecting ePatient Launch [Video file]. Retrieved from


[google-drive-embed url=”” title=”VC ePatient Launch Transcript – no time stamps” icon=”” width=”100%” height=”400″ style=”embed”]



Feature image by Mike Russell used under CC license. 

1 Comment

  1. Hi, will try to make it on the 22nd. By way of how popular patient engagement has become, even here in Alberta there’s a whole spectrum of online sites where you can read how important it is. These come with multi-page downloads with guides on the value of patient and family feedback. Inclusiveness is taken as vital and there “contact us” forms to get involved and even a single dedicated and unattended answering machine open 9 to 5 Monday through Friday that is “checked frequently.”
    In case you DON’T understand that the thing is a sham, there are now further barriers. First the threshold for abusive behavior that can get you cut-off from service now includes swearing–even if it is not in reference to a person in the medical system. Another wonder of logic is to redirect patients who have been harmed by the system away from discussion groups lest they be “re-traumatized” in the telling of their experiences.
    What does it say about “care” when even before the engagement utilities are properly in place there are already categories of people unqualified to tell their stories?

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  1. Engaged Patient | the best liar you know

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